The Benefits Of Massage Therapy For Mental Wellness

Massage therapy has been used for centuries to treat an ample variety of conditions and ailments. Due to its innumerable benefits, combining massage therapy with mental health treatment can be an excellent way to heal and improve your mental and physical wellness. 

Let go of the belief that massage therapy is an expendable luxury and learn more about the innumerable benefits it can have on your body and mind! 

Reduce Depression 

Stress and anxiety are two of the main causes of depression. Massage therapy is known for relaxing the body by lowering oxygen consumption, blood pressure, and heart rate, leading to reduced stress and anxiety levels.

For an enhanced experience, ask your massage therapist to include aromatherapy in your treatment plan. 

Improved Rest 

The relaxing effects of massage therapy last well past the session’s timespan. Improved sleep patterns and reduced pain levels have been proven in patients living with insomnia, chronic stress, and anxiety. And what’s more, a good night of sleep will boost your energy and increase your serotonin and dopamine levels — sometimes known as the happiness and feel-good hormones, respectively.

Increase Your Overall Well-Being 

Dedicating time to taking care of yourself is essential to leading a healthy, happy life. Massage therapy is an excellent way to disconnect from everyday duties and worries while restoring your physical and mental well-being. Program your massage sessions regularly and feel your mind and body heal and reconnect as one happy entity.    

Schedule Your Appointment At Dharma Massage Today! 

Dharma Massage is one of the most sought-after centers for massage therapy in Westport, CT. By listening to you deeply before, during, and after every session, we will put together a personalized plan to help set you free from physical and emotional pain. We can’t wait to welcome you with open arms. 

Book your appointment today!